Friday, April 12, 2013

For my topic of homosexuality and how it has changed over the years, I have finalized my plan to send out a survey through social media to find out my peers opinions. I really want to find out how my generation feels about homosexuality, whether they think it's a big deal like it has been in the past or if they think everyone should be equal. To naturally observe I will try to find a highly homosexual area and visit to see how they interact also if that isn't possible I will YouTube videos from parades and see if there are people there protesting  against it and how people react to it. I honestly believe that people in my generation, from ages 17-25 will be for homosexuality and not really care about it compared to how my parents and grandparents generations feel about it. I feel that way because after asking my grandmother how she felt her opinion was that she was entirely against it compared to when I asked my brother and it didn't seem to bother him at all. But hopefully this survey will prove my hypothesis and that we are on the right path to making everyone equal!

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